Dear Bushy Park Tennis Players,
We are happy to announce a new 4 week term of tennis lessons to begin on the week of May 16th! We will have classes on weekday evenings and Saturdays, ranging from lessons for beginners right up to advanced, with our group of experienced coaches.
The schedule is as follows (please note the classes that are already full):
Monday 7pm-8pm: Beginners Lessons (FULL)
Monday 8pm-9pm: Rusty Racquets (FULL)
Monday 9pm-10pm: Intermediate Lessons
Tuesday 7pm-8pm: Beginners Lessons (FULL)
Tuesday 8pm-9pm: Intermediate Lessons
Tuesday 9pm-10pm: Advanced Lessons
Wednesday 7pm-8pm: Intermediate Lessons
Wednesday 8pm-9pm: Coaching and Matchplay for Intermediate and Advanced
Wednesday 9pm-10pm: Rusty Racquets
Thursday 7pm-8pm: Rusty Racquets (FULL)
Thursday 8pm-9pm: Beginners Lessons
Thursday 9-10pm: Beginners Lessons
Saturday 1pm-2pm: Beginners Lessons
For 4 weekly sessions the cost will be 50 euro.
To book your place or for any further information please contact Daniel on WhatsApp or by text message on 0830942423.
We look forward to seeing everyone on court!