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Risk Level 3 in Dublin - Club measures

Dear Club members, friends and visitors,

As the number of coronavirus cases in Dublin continues to rise, the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) has recommended Dublin be raised to Level 3 Risk of the Government's five level plan following considerations the new Covid-19 oversight group.

Therefore, due to Risk Level 3 in Dublin, the Club will impose the use of face masks within Club grounds as mandatory. This means that the only moment when masks can be off is during play time on tennis, padel or basketball courts.

Toilets will remain closed to the public. 

We encourage members and visitors to be sensible to these new measures and wear a face mask and keep social dictancing as a priority. Please continue washing hands regularly and using hand sanitisers available at the Cliub.

For coaching enquiries and how schedule is affected, please speak to coaches and staff .

Best regards to all and stay safe!


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